Right now I'm packed with performance, experiences and inputs from both the human and sporty aspects from the last couple of days in Denmark, but especially the Danish Championship yesterday (08.01.12) really enriched my day, where I for the 4th. Time now is allowed to wear the most beautiful colors on my skin suit, namely the Dannebrog.
I got a question from a Journalist which kept on popping up in my head, and I have since then given it some more thoughts. The question was; what are the difference from last year and this year? A very simple question, but with a more complex answer! Of course there is the physical aspects where I this year I'm stronger and with more power in the legs.

In some ways I feel different, like a “new” person, if you can put it this way… In many ways my choice about going to Belgium has been the best thing I could do for myself, and for that I’m myself eternally grateful for!
The last few months with all this time and opportunities to think has been a turning point for me in many ways! In a weird way it feels like a burden has been lifted away from my shoulders, or maybe it me who has become stronger and better able to carry them…!
For the moment;
I am as high as a kite, and I don’t ever want to come back down. It’s an amazing feeling, and I will do everything that is in my power to maintain and preserve this, life is to short otherwise!
Danish Champion Cyclo Cross 2012 – with a good feeling.