4. januar 2011

Christmas and newYear racing

After a hectic christmas/new year period with lots of racing, I'm now back in cold snowy Denmark, in order to prepare for the Danish Championsship this weekend in Haderslev. After a lot of good racing during my stay in Belgium and Germany I finally start to feel a bit stronger and more comfortable on the bike. It has been a really frustrated year for me, and not many races did go the way I wanted to. Before the season started I hadn't planned that, I one more time should be struggling to avoid getting pulled from the WC races, but the season so fare has been really bumpy with a few good racing and some really bad ones, which I desperatly have been trying to forget.

Now I'm focusing on getting a good danish championsship race this sunday, I'll stay at my parents house which is closer to the race course. The DM race in Haderslev will be my first for my new/old danish club - Bov Cykel Klub http://www.bovcc.dk/, where I had my childhood cycling upbringing. I had made this desicion to race for Bov because after this very bumpy cyclocross season I want to be able to focus 110 % on my next cyclocross season. Which means that this season I'll do a minimum of roadracing and MTB. At this moment I only have a overall idea of what my training season will consist of, but I'll let you know when the whole puzzle is ready.

All the best Nikoline

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